2022 Workshops/Consulting
For Deeper Learning’s current workshops are described below and more current workshops are linked at the bottom of the page. If you have questions, let us know. Our email address Continue Reading →
Deeper Learning Educators – Deeper Learning Students
For Deeper Learning’s current workshops are described below and more current workshops are linked at the bottom of the page. If you have questions, let us know. Our email address Continue Reading →
Most any project-based learning involves math. Students need to calculate current numbers in a situation they are working to improve, tabulate survey responses, graph results, measure liquid or solid quantities for Continue Reading →
In our summer Quality Project-Based Learning workshops presented in Bangor and Portland, Maine participants planned high quality project-based learning and learned strategies to support students’ success. Join us next summer for Continue Reading →
Our videos provide professional learning support. Our first series is Plan and Implement Project-Based Learning. – Project-Based Learning Plan and Implement: INTRODUCTION provides an overview of high quality project-based learning’s features Continue Reading →
Engage in activities and create products to support:Collaboration InquirySelf-Management With hands-on activities, collaboration, video, implementation case study, resources, and enjoyment participants learn strategies for implementing well organized, effective project-based learning or to Continue Reading →
Leave with a detailed plan outline for your students’ challenge-solving project that includes high quality project-based learning’s features. You’ll receive a project-based learning booklet, and abundant resources. We model project-based learning, so our workshop is Continue Reading →
In project-based learning, students investigate their topic based on their questions. This workshop is adaptable to higher education and K-12. Inquiry throughout Project-Based Learning is a hands-on, Continue Reading →
Educators’ Capacity-Building Peer Coaching Quality Project-Based Learning: PLAN & IMPLEMENT (three-day workshop) Quality Project-Based Learning: PLAN (two-day workshop) Quality Project-Based Learning: IMPLEMENT – Keeping PBL Students on Track INQUIRY within Project-Based Continue Reading →
Educators’ Capacity-Building Peer Coaching is highly effective for any practice the person being coached chooses to add or enhance. College & University Project-Based Learning . IMPLEMENT PBL: Keeping Students on Track Project-Based Continue Reading →