Deeper Learning Journal of Practice

Practice-focused with bridges to research…

Deeper Learning Journal of Practice.
Read how educators, who work with learners early childhood through college, graduate, and faculty professional development, implement structures and scaffolds that support deeper learning.

Deeper Learning Journal of Practice (DLJP) is a peer-reviewed, annual, online journal. DLJP builds bridges between practice and research and among P-12 education, adult education, and college/university education. As a practice-focused journal, we provide readers with ideas and inspiration for providing structures, scaffolds, and practices to support deeper learning. Authors detail how they implement practices that support two or more deeper learning outcomes.

Deeper learning outcomes:
 Thinking carefully/critically and creatively for challenge-solving
Acquiring and being able to use knowledge
Working collaboratively and independently
Communicating effectively 
Social-emotional competencies
Learning and living self-agency

Send questions concerning a proposed or submitted manuscript to Lee Anna Stirling, EdD