Participants’ Comments
The “quality” descriptor is definitely appropriate. Lee Anna modeled protocols and pedagogy so we could get direct experience using strategies before taking them back to our classrooms. I left the Continue Reading →
Deeper Learning Educators – Deeper Learning Students
The “quality” descriptor is definitely appropriate. Lee Anna modeled protocols and pedagogy so we could get direct experience using strategies before taking them back to our classrooms. I left the Continue Reading →
– Capacity-Building Peer Coaching . Quality Project-Based Learning: Planning and Implement (Three-Day workshop – can be divided into non-consecutive days) . Quality Project-Based Learning: PLAN (Two-Day workshop – can be divided into Continue Reading →
Educators’ Capacity-Building Peer Coaching Quality Project-Based Learning: PLAN & IMPLEMENT (three-day workshop) Quality Project-Based Learning: PLAN (two-day workshop) Quality Project-Based Learning: IMPLEMENT – Keeping PBL Students on Track INQUIRY within Project-Based Continue Reading →
For educators in any role, who work with any level/ population. Educators Capacity-Building Peer Coaching is based on the inviting educator’s practice and interests, it is voluntary, collaborative, inquiry is involved, and participants have ongoing, Continue Reading →