Educators Capacity-Building Peer Coaching Workshop

For educators in any role, who work with any level/ population.

Students benefit from stronger teaching practices; and an enhanced culture of inquiry and collaboration.

    Workshop Learning Outcomes

-Support an educator in identifying and narrowing down a focus 
-Identify baseline data and how progress will be measured
-Use collaborative and recipient-directed coaching
-Identify educator’s professional learning style and teaching style strengths and preferences  

Workshop participants engage in hands-on, collaborative, enjoyable activities: enactments, readings,
and more.

Follow-up support from the workshop facilitator is available.

Educators’ Capacity-Building Peer Coaching Resources

Workshop Facilitator: Lee Anna Stirling, EdD (Teachers College Columbia/Professional Development/Organization Development) Lee Anna Stirling developed Educators Capacity-Building Peer Coaching based on research and practice, as a undergrad and graduate course instructor, K-12 teacher, and K-12 instructional coach. She has guided scores of appreciative educators in using it. 

For further information contact:
Lee Anna Stirling
Phone 207-873-2458